Dave Gauger
Rebecca Chaffee
Bob Coty
Cheryl Green
Jerry Doyle
Nelia E. Woods
Lisa Clements
Meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month at 5 pm in Raymond at the City Hall Council Chambers located at 230 Second St., Raymond, WA 98577. In the event the date falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the next regular business day.

The Planning Commission shall have all powers and perform all duties specified for the planning agency by Chapter 35A.63 RCW, together with any other duties or authority which may be conferred upon them by laws of the State, or the ordinances of the City; provided, that nothing in Raymond Municipal Code (RMC) 2.75 shall be constructed as limiting the right of the City to exercise any power granted to any class of City as provided by law.
The Planning Commission members volunteer to serve for a 4 year term. Applicants are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Their duties include overseeing planning and development, reviewing applications, and making recommendations to the City Council. The City Council retains authority to make the final decision.
The Planning Commission shall conduct public hearings relating to the comprehensive plan and the implementation thereof, including but not limited to zoning, official map, platting, and subdivision regulations. The Planning Commission is also authorized to review and make recommendations on proposed land use ordinances involving land use, and the adoption/enforcement of coordinated plans and regulations for the physical development of the City.