Doing business within the City of Raymond? If so, an annual business license is needed based on your gross income within our City! The City of Raymond has partnered with the Washington Business Licensing Service to provide one-stop online business licensing. DOR will process the City of Raymond business licenses and renewals from now on. If you start a new business within the City of Raymond, you must apply to the DOR.
Registering with the City of Raymond through DOR
The new DOR partnership gives you “one-stop shopping” to maintain or renew most of your state and local licenses. New or expanding businesses can apply online for their Raymond license Endorsement along with other state licenses and city licenses. We are sure you will value the savings in wait time!
What do I have to do?
For a new business, go online to and apply for your Washington State license and your City of Raymond Endorsement. You will be able to pay online from your checking account or credit card for a fast, secure transaction. If you do not want to go online, you can call the Department of Revenue at: 360-705-6741 and they will mail you an application.
Renewals of current licenses will be sent out by the Washington Dept. of Revenue (DOR). If you do not receive a renewal notice by the time your license expires, contact the DOR online at dor. wa. gov or call DOR at 360-705-6741.
What fees will I have to pay?
Visit DOR online at for fee details for City of Raymond.
For more information, check out DOR online at or call DOR at 360-705-6741