The City of Raymond handles utilities including, water, sewer and garbage for residents in City limits. Some residents located just outside of City limits also have access to City water services.
The City runs on a one month billing cycle. Payments are taken via cash, check or money order in office. To pay with a credit or debit card, you must do so through our website. Along with the online payment option, pay by phone, paperless billing and reoccurring scheduled payments also are available when you log into your account.
The City of Raymond offers a utility discount program for those that meet the income requirements. All members of the household must meet these requirements to qualify. Click on the utility discount application form for details. Washington State creates the income guidelines so remember to check back annually to see if changes affect your discount qualification.
For questions, leak concerns/adjustments, payment information, shut off or turn on requests, please contact the Utility Billing Clerk at City Hall.